Become a Member

We welcome all new members to come and join.

Yearly Membership = $100 ($50 subscription and $50 amenities)

Half-yearly Membership = $50 ($25 subscription and $25 amenities) Annual fees can be paid in two instalments of $50 each – from January 1st or July 1st. New members will pay a half-yearly subscription if they join from July 1st.

Active Life Members = $50 p.a. The moneys Life Members pay is for amenities, as Life Membership exempts them from membership fees.

Non-members = $7 for 4 weeks ONLY After 4 weeks, non-members must pay membership fees or no longer attend. The exception to this ruling is attendees at Friday Art Lessons. If attendees do not wish to take out DAS membership, they MUST pay $7 amenities each time they attend.