
I have a love for the outdoors and the incredible colours of nature.

My interest in painting started at a young age and I chose oils as my main medium.
I now live in Eagle Bay which is a perfect location to indulge in my passion for land and sea scapes.
My time is split between the beautiful South West and rugged North West of Western Australia.
I recently started a Facebook page called “Memories on Canvas” from which I have been fortunate enough to have gained several commissions to paint for private purchasers.
If you have a favourite photo of a special place you visited that you would like painted, please call or send me an email of the photo and we can discuss what you would like.
I hope you enjoy my artwork as much as I do creating them.
I may be contacted on 0437 702 332



“I don’t know what I’m doing most of the time,
But that’s OK because I have a lot of fun, And,
isn’t that the great gift of Art? Always seeking,
always growing and always having the time of my life.
Tom Jensen

Drawing, Painting are my relaxation in life ………………
have helped me to put everyday life into perspective.
I enjoy the beauty in shape and colour –
Especially in our natural world, and to be
able to capture some characteristic of what I see, would be great.
Getting the most from paints, coloured pencils and collage is the challenge.

Being a member of a great stimulating group of people
can only help everyone to be inspired.

A quote from Ann Blockley gives us permission to create own palette.
“Using your imagination, playing with the paint and glorying in its texture,
gives yourself permission to fail,
to waste materials and to lose control.
The process becomes more enjoyable and ultimately much more useful
in your progression as an artist”.

Pablo Picasso

I may be contacted on (08) 9752 2638


​I was born in Munich, Bavaria and migrated to Newcastle, in Australia, 21 years ago.
I always appreciated art and enjoyed immensely going to all kinds of galleries to look at and study
different paintings.

Around 14 years ago I started to attempt painting myself and since then have been trying to perfect
the craft, which is a never ending, beautiful challenge and joy.

Six years ago I moved to Dunsborough, W.A., and it was then, I absolutely fell in love with all
kinds of “Water”. Since then I put all my effort to master all the amazing varieties of colours of
the ocean, the different shapes and forms of the waves, as well as all the rocks and ever shifting sand, especially here, down south.

I especially love to walk along the beach and find myself unconsciously studying the scenery to figure
out how to do my next painting.

I love this progress and am excited to see where it will get me in life.
Life is a never ending and exciting adventure and with creativity is so much more fun.

Enjoy your painting.
All the best
Anna Langer

I may be contacted on 0426 254 408


I have painted and sketched since a child.
Old character buildings have always fascinated me. Since we retired I have enjoyed keeping an illustrated journal of our travels.
This has eventuated in a small book being published of our France, Spain and Portugal trip titled,
“Mis-Adventures, “ by Barbara Reid, ISBN 978 0 6480938.
A copy of “Mis-Adventures” can be purchased through me. Cost $20

Since retiring to wonderful Dunsborough in 1999 I have been a proud member of the Dunsborough Art Society.
It is a great club and my artistic endeavours have blossomed under members’ influences.

I can be contacted via email – or mobile, 0432 063 678

I have dabbled in art from a very young age and I was often found playing with a variety of mediums. Art allows for the freedom of expression and I have always been captivated by art . As I became older I enrolled in art courses at Uni and TAFE, moving onto workshops, trialling different techniques and mediums. My husband and son have built me a marvellous art studio. I love colour and my art expresses this. It is so rewarding to see my art going into other homes. A highlight was being sent a contract by a New York Art Gallery in order to represent me. They loved the unique way I portrayed Australian landscapes and the vivid colours I use.

Colleen Riley

​Contact details:


Denny Sanbrook is a self taught artist, having painted in many mediums her preference is Gouache as she finds this suits the style she has developed over many years.

Australian landscapes are her preferred subjects due to some of the amazing colours especially the red earth, wildflowers and seasonal changes which produce those beautiful oranges and reds during Autumn and vibrant colours of many shades during the springtime.

Denny paints from her studio at her home in Busselton and is also a member of the Busselton Art Society as well as the Dunsborough Art Society. She exhibits in most of the local Exhibitions and has won several  awards.

Painting is a passion for Denny as she enjoys the whole process, from sketching, photography, travelling, searching for subject matter etc. to,the actual process itself….many mistakes are made along the way but by every mistake a lesson is learned which is the way to move forward! So paint paint paint and enjoy every


Home phone …9755 4457 
Denny maintains a web page which contains current works. 

Denny’s Web Page

My love of art started with pastels at the Fremantle Art Centre under Peter Walker. After moving to the South West I studied with the amazing artist and teacher John Garde, using oils. Since joining the Dunsborough Art Society I have been experimenting with other mediums and styles under the guidance of two well known artists, Veritas and Florence in our Friday classes. They have inspired me to extend my knowledge and try different techniques.

I joined the DAS Committee as Treasurer in March 2021 and have enjoyed the past year immensely. I love working with the other Committee members and the extended subcommittees, and it has been a joy to meet and get to know the members. I’m looking forward to the year ahead with workshops and exhibitions in the planning.

I’m very excited to be part of the art world.

When asked why she painted Gemma replied, “I love it. I can’t stop. There is a burning desire inside me to put paint on canvas.

I always visualise colours and the blue of the ocean was the catalyst. I couldn’t capture the colour with a camera and the desire to create that colour made me express it in paint. That was five years ago and painting has become a passion.”


Torpedo Rocks by Irene Hughes

Young Girl by Jane Buckley

I came to art quite late in life, far too busy raising children and working to ever have time. I loved patchwork, ceramics, pottery and generally creating all types of craft, however art was something I would do when I retired.!!

I was introduced to water colours, then progressed onto pastels, and I love working in this medium. I am reluctant to follow all my artist friends into acrylics even though they assure me it is a lovely medium to work in.

I am blessed to live in a delightful corner of Western Australia that abounds in local fauna and flora, and pristine beaches. I enjoy all of our coastline and love to capture the turquoise waters and white sands. I have in the past painted our delightful blue wrens and many of our wildflowers. We tour up North every winter and I’m now enjoying the challenge of trying to capture the rugged beauty of our vast interior with its gorges and waterfalls.

I may be contacted on 0427 445 896
or e-mail,


Jenni Taylor

I have had a long standing love for art for what feels like forever. During college my friends and I would visit any art gallery or studio and discuss in depth the art work and what media was used and how we could use it. Student exhibitions and workshops had the best creative atmosphere and were always welcoming to everyone.

I now live in Dunsborough and am enjoying being surrounded by some of the most inspiring and stunning scenery ever. I’m never short of interesting and beautiful subjects to paint.

Painting with acrylics is a favourite of mine at the moment, and I am enjoying the different textures I can create using it. I am also starting to play with some watercolour pieces as well.


Jo is an award winning botanic artist living in Australia’s famous Margaret River region. Her original water colour art works capture the rich bio-diversity of the flora that makes the region so special. Each unique hand drawn and painted item is inspired by native species growing on or nearby Jo’ one hectare property overlooking rolling countryside and the Indian Ocean at Yallingup.

Jo’s art is characterised by meticulous attention to detail, exceptionally fine brush strokes (she uses 0000 brushes) and magnificent water colours portraying Western Australian trees and flowers.



Nan’s Tea with Lemons by Karly Ogden

Lesley Curtis is an award winning artist born in Northam, Western Australia.
She now calls the rich tapestry of the Goldfields home for part of the year together with the beauty of the South West coastal regional where she resides over the summer months.

Leslie specialises in the use of Watercolour, Gouache, Colour Pencil and Acrylic mediums, adding extra depth to her work using airbrush techniques.

Lesley’s inspiration is ignited in nature, the colourful world of wildlife, predominantly birds, giving a kaleidoscope of colour and movement.

As an artist, Lesley has been inspired by the renowned Australian Artist William T Cooper (De) together with Paul Margocsy who was her tutor at the Bathurst Summer School 2015 to 2017.

Lesley Curtis

Personal Profile & Photo

Liz MacLeay.

I have been exposed to art from a very young age as my mother is a watercolour artist. Having retired to the south west recently, I have been dabbling in watercolour and lino prints. My choice of subject is our native Western Australian flora.

I am influenced by my many years of having lived in the Pilbara. We lived on the edge of the desert, where you are the only ones for 500 kms. I developed an appreciation for the beauty and the vastness of our outback.


How lucky can one person be, to extend their love for drawing as a child into the joys of painting and sculpture as the years go by. And then – to have the absolute pleasure of retiring to Dunsborough and meeting the delightfully talented and inspiring people who make up the Dunsborough Art Society. We now use our more recently dreamed up name of “Cape Artists”, living as we do along the shores of the very beautiful Cape Naturaliste.

“As you can see, favourite mediums include soft pastel or pen and ink. Soft pastel is a wonderful medium, because the colours are right there (no mixing), and the results can be quite soft or very vibrant according to the subject. With pen and ink, one can be as detailed as one wishes; it is perfect for producing a number of patterns and shapes around the main subject.

(I can be contacted on 08.9756.8615)


I have studied:

Batchelor in fine art 

Art therapies 

Facilitate art workshops. 

For a variety of creativities from eco bush dying to sacred geometry to water colour, acrylic, mixed media and printmaking 

I am also a professional face painter. 

And enjoy supporting home school children. 

Artist statement 

I am inspired by metaphysics, my own peak experiences – both shadow and light, the triumphant human spirit and by nature- my muse.  Apart from the geometry of seed pods, wildflowers, and microbiology, one of the most arresting visuals for me is an old wall layered with papers, graffiti, and text, our modern hieroglyphics. I try to re-create this cyclic beauty in my work, taking cues from my printmaking process and with the layers of time, erosion, decay, entropy, and germination. They filter through in a subliminal way, veiled, appearing and disappearing leaving a scar, a shadow, an imprint.  In much of my work i depict planetary blueprints or the signature of all things such as sacred geometry and ancient mnemonic languages of ritual, visualisation and storytelling. 

I am fascinated by the tension of the liminal space, that which is not yet birthed, between the great mystery and the physical world, dusk and dawn.  I am exploring the place between petroglyphs and popular culture, text and tetris, chaos and order, figuration/symbolism and abstraction, past and present, and multidimensional space. I love to flow between wild and precise and believe that there is an absolute law of harmony that is accessible to all, no mistakes-my artistic life is incidental to this law and harmony is an endless source of inspiration and knowledge when executing my work. 

I use mixed media, print collage, oils, acrylics, metallics, glazes  and collected materials place specific such as-sand, leaves, shells, ochre and balga resin and allow pattern, texture, colour and structure to emerge organically.  In my current body of work, I want the pieces to evoke frescoes, or cave walls, sedimentation, the glow of a Renaissance Church, and the layers of graffiti in a NYC subway, all simultaneously existing on one canvas. In this way I see my abstract layers as microscopic landscapes representing a unique matrix and becoming their own biological ecosystem. 

I hope that the person viewing my work will linger, curios to discover hidden imagery and text and depending on their life experience, find their own meaning and interpretation.

Mary paints from home in Dunsborough and is a member of the
​Dunsborough Art Society.

I exhibit and sell my work at local exhibitions.
At present I am enjoying developing my artistic skills as I explore the opportunities afforded by the wonderful diversity of the Dunsborough – Margaret River Region.

My passion for drawing and painting started as a child growing up in North Devon, U.K. Inspired by my artist grandmother art has been my life-long friend.
Mostly self-taught I have studied with professional artists periodically.
Nature, landscapes, seascapes, birds and animals are my preferred subjects with the occasional still life.
My mediums are Gouache, Acrylics and Inks.

I may be contacted by mobile: 0419 953 380


My painting story.
My journey into the adventure is not long, or illustrious (as is that of many Art Society members.)
I enjoyed ‘art’ at school, and in the last years had a wonderful inspirational teacher. I sat and passed an ‘O level’ art at General Certificate (the Poms among us will recognise that). After school, apart from sketching, and the odd watercolour painting alongside my Dad, it went on the back burner.
That is, until I retired, and my partner Richard and I made a ‘sea change’ from Perth to Busselton, in 2010.
A great move. I didn’t know anyone here, other than Richards parents, and resolved to involve myself into local community life. I went to several workshops at Busselton Art Society, and felt enthusiasm growing for creativity.
An artist friend suggested Dunsborough Art Society and I have now been a member here for over 10 years. I have settled on acrylic as my preferred medium, and work in landscapes/seascapes of the beautiful Southwest. I use my own photographs as reference material.
I have so appreciated the friendship, encouragement, and talent I have found at the Society. I am continually inspired by the wonderful work I see there. As a ‘late bloomer’ I’m aware I have so much to learn. I’ve learned that the journey, however late the beginning, continues. May it never end.


All my life I have loved art and have visited a lot of exhibitions but never had the time or
energy to paint frequently whilst working.
Just before I retired after a trip to Madagascar helping in a children’s home when I got
home, I needed something creative to do.
So, I signed up for a course with Steph Durack who was resident Artist in Busselton Art Geo
complex at the time. Steph got me using large canvases and using acrylics.
I loved it and started painting at home.
I also did a course with Peter Scott in Margaret River for a term and a 3-day course with
Carmen McFaull.
I have been painting for about 7 years seriously.
I was in the Augusta art club for 3 years where I learnt a lot form the seasoned artists there.
Since being in Dunsborough I have done a few other courses with the club and learnt a lot.
I feel I have learnt the most by fixing up my own paintings!
Every painting is a learning curve and a challenge.
I love the sea so mostly I do sea scapes and landscapes.
About 26 years ago I joined the Dunsborough Art group and did watercolours with the
Knights, but life took over and I didn’t continue.
I also went to the Art group at the Senior Citizens, many years ago for about a year. 
Since retiring I have time to devote to painting.
I find Art fills my life with creativity and friendship so adds a lot to my life.

As youthful-aspiring-artists we children used coloured pencils and Reeves Paint
Boxes to create our masterpieces. What joy! Now, as an
aging-aspiring-artist I use oils, acrylics, watercolours, pastels, coloured
pencils, pen and ink and enjoy each of these media in varying degrees. My
love is oil with watercolour a close second. I also like using both
brushes and painting knives and love any experimentation with mixed
media. Bliss!

I may be contacted on (08) 9757 1119, 0499 633 627 or

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The Girl with Spotted Handbag


Yvonne Hirst 

Yvonne Hirst, aka Yvee was born in the Netherlands.
Her European heritage is reflected in her choices of design and influences the colour palettes she uses. Yvonne enjoys using a variety of mediums and trialling new techniques. This is evident in her pouring and ink work.
Her love of the Australian colours is reflected in her works. She works with a variety of mediums and trials new techniques such as liquid pouring and pentangles.
Australian birds and flora are her enjoyment. 

Yvonne Hirst